

Expenses are costs, such as wages, rent, depreciation, and more, incurred by businesses. These expenses are subtracted from revenue to determine profits.

To record an expense, follow these steps:

1. Click on your "expense" on the homepage or on the customer profile page (click "customer," then click "view" under the customer's name).
2. Click "record expense."
3. On the left side of the page, you can attach a copy of an expense receipt, select the vendor, add your name, and leave a note. You can also group your expenses into different categories.
4. There is a provision for the date of your expense, input the amount, and select the billing status of your expense, which depends on the nature of the tasks. More features include customer selection and the relating project.
5. Other fields are currencies, tax options, payment mode, reference number(s), and the frequency or recurrence.

Don't forget to "Save" your expense at the bottom of the page!

P.S. - You can import expenses from an external database by clicking "import expense" at the top of the expense page.

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