

The action or process of paying someone or something or of being paid what is being owed.

Once you have saved your invoice, you can access payment. It is at the top right corner of the invoice page.

On the payment page, you will find the following fields:

- Amount received: This field is automatically generated from the invoice and should not be edited (except it's a part payment).
- Payment date: Ensure to enter the correct payment date, as it may differ from the invoice date.
- Payment mode: Fill in the correct currency if the payment was made in a currency other than the default currency.
- Transaction ID: Politely request the given transaction ID from the payer for record purposes, though it is optional for them to provide it.
- Leave a note: Any relevant note that applies to the payment can be left here.

Choose to send the invoice payment to the customers and 'Save'.

You will be directed to a final payment page to specify your preferred payment method.

- The payment method: Is to specify whether the payment was made through transfer or cash.
- Save

If you have any further questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Thank you.

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